Register with our practice

You can register as a patient with the practice either using the link below to register online or by requesting a registration pack from reception.

Catchment area
Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.
When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

To register please click the link below:

Alternatively you can download the registration documents by clicking on the links below.

When completed, please bring them in to the surgery.

We will ask you to complete a simple questionnaire. This provides us with some important information about your health and helps us with your future medical care. You will be requested to attend a new patient check. These are usually performed by the practice nurse. Please enquire at reception if you require any further information.

Completing the Registration Forms

GMS1 – Patient Registration Form

New Patient Questionnaire

Summary Care Record Letter

Summary Care Record Opt Out Form

Alcohol Users Identification Test (Audit C)

Alcohol Users Identification Test (Audit)

Catchment Area (Practice Boundary)

You can search for your postcode by clicking the magnifier in the top right corner of the map, this will indicate whether you live within the boundary or not.

Named GP

All patients will have a named accountable GP who will be responsible for the patients’ overall care at the practice. This does not stop you from seeing any other GP in the practice.

Where a patient wishes to see a particular GP, they may have to wait longer to see their preferred practitioner.

If you wish to know who your named accountable GP is, please contact the practice on 01226 355800. If you have a preference to a particular GP the practice will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your request.