Sick (fit) notes

A fit note is the informal name for the Statement of Fitness to Work. Fit notes replaced sick notes from 6 April 2010.

The rules on fit/sick notes:

  • For the first 3 days of an illness your employer does not legally require any fit/sick notes.
  • For days 4, 5, 6 & 7 you can give your employers a ‘Self-Certificate‘ fit/sick note. This is a form you complete and does not require a doctor’s opinion.
  • For any illness over 7 days you will need a doctor’s note.

If your employer wants a doctor’s note for a period of illness less than a week we are not obliged to issue any certificate. Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn’t have their own form, instead they may use an SC2 form from HM Revenue & Customs: Employee’s Statement of Sickness (PDF). In special circumstances we can issue a private sick note but this will incur a fee.

For illnesses and injuries which have involved the hospital or A&E (such as a broken bone) we are able to use consultant letters as proof of illness and can in many cases safely give you a sick note without you having to come into the surgery. The hospital wards and A&E can issue you with a fit/sick note if you ask them at the time.

If you have a long term illness we are often able to do a fit/sick note from your records without you having to come into the surgery to be seen.


AccuRx is a tool to enable healthcare teams to communicate with their patients and with each other more efficiently, helping to deliver top quality patient care.

Please click on the link below to access the page with options to submit an admin query, for things such as sick notes / test results etc. Please note this is not a facility to book appointments, for appointments please call the Surgery or use Patient Access.

Please be aware that this is not an instant response service to be used in emergencies, please take note of the response times advised when submitting your query.  If your query is urgent please contact the Surgery by telephone. Thank You!